
As a professional writer, publicist, college instructor from Connecticut, U.S.A. I’ve been involved in a wide variety of projects for more than 43 years, mostly in higher ed, but also in aerospace, architecture, a CofC, journalism, and lately the creation of a possible New England Auto Museum. I helped to pilot a required course in college research, writing and rhetoric for a decade, the IDS 101 Cornerstone Seminar, at Charter Oak State College; America’s top online college serving older learners, founded in 1973. 

Prior to starting teaching I created for clients alumni profiles booklets for college marketing, fundraising, networking as an “education entrepreneur.” Also with a colleague from University of Hartford I once taught, on-site but with online LMS as needed, a quality improvement class in business writing, grammar, communications.   I started a publishing house, Emanations Press (see my cover photo on this site page).  I have three degrees including a BA in Communication Arts, Fordham College; MA, English & American Literature, Trinity College (’91), with thesis on George Orwell. I maintain a College Research Sharing group on LinkedIn, and am interested in new ways to facilitate research collaboration for the common good.

This is an alumni profiles booklet I wrote for Cambridge College, but it got old and doesn’t seem accessible now.  If anyone is interested I could scan one…

This was for Pacific Oaks College

Pacific Oaks Alumni Profiles Brochure

One thought on “Consulting”

  1. “Disruptive Innovation”…very thought provoking. In looking up The Christensen Institute, I found the concept of blended learning very exciting. It is something new to me other than general discussions, and I can see what promise it holds for meaningful education. My youngest graduates high school in June and he would have really “sailed” with this.

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